

Инфо-Регион Инфо-Регион

Web portals and services

We have been developing websites of any complexity more than 14 years. Since that time there were many successful projects, from landing pages till major web projects.

от 834 $

Online stores and ecommerce

We can help online commerce to be easier, more convenient, functional and successful.

от 1500 $

1C Integration

Ecommerce is developing so rapidly. For the fast update of information about products and  their amount the optimization of this process is required.

от 500 $

Business process optimization

The modern requirements to speed transactions pushing towards automatization of different processes inside and outside the company.The necessity of introduction automatical systems also appears when your business expands.

от 667 $

Web development

We can create different projects of any complexity, that can be profitable. We can realize of any idea, from landing page till global web systems, also  ERP / CRM systems.

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